Friday, August 10, 2012

Baking with paint and paper

Have been itching to paint cupcakes for awhile. I have lots of friends who are master bakers and I always envy their baking skills. So I was inspired to paint some cupcakes. Hmmm... feeling hungry now!


Unknown said...

You could submit this to threadless or some other similar thing! Lovely

Silent said...

Hi Anna-checking out your cute cupcakes. I haven't posted a drawing-a-day on my blog as I was teaching full time for the last five weeks but I'm starting it up again.
Be sure to check back on the linkedin thread of the "drawing a day" and choose a few other artist's blogs to comment on. So we all hold each other more accountable. :D
Awesome blog btw!

Alisa : Ink Caravan said...

They look fantastic Anna, the one with the strawberry has my name on it. : )